A. Data structure and input file format

1. Data structure

Tool 1 is expecting 4 interger values as input: 2 occurrence numbers for the same event & 2 sample sizes (numbers of trials, i.e. total sample sizes). Invalid inputs are immediately detected.
Tool 2 and Tool 3 are expecting a table of integer values. The lines of the table correspond to different labels, the columns correspond to different samples. The labels are listed in the first columns of the table and the various samples are listed under headers listed in the first line. Facultative columns can be used to store accessory information (numerical or not) under additional headers. There is no strict limit on the table size. The ACD tool can handle several thousand of lines and several hundreds of columns.

2. Data format

The input file must be a “TSV” (Tab Separated Values) file, in which the various values are separated by a single tabulation (\t) and the successive lines (records) by a end-of-line delimiter: CR, LF, or CRLF. Such format is obtained
    - from Excel: by saving the active page using the “save as” option “*.txt (delimiter tab)”.
    - from Word: by saving the table using the “save as” option “*.txt”, and the windows default.
Such files can then be reopened by Excel, Word, and Wordpad for further processing, provided they are saved as above.
Beware that label and all headers must only be composed of standard alphabetical and numerical characters and ”_”. Langage specific characters (e.g. accented), blank, or special signs (e.g. -, +, #) are not allowed. However, they can be tolerated by using a regular comma “.” as placeholder at the time of input of the sample name in Tool2 (e.g. cond#1 could be referred to as cond.1).
All numerical values in the table are expected to be integers. Values with decimal sign (“.” or “,”) will NOT be rounded and will generate a halt. The purpose of such a strict behavior is to remind the user that the ACD test is only valid for counts. In case users wish to take into account replicates of identical conditions, they should sum up the various counts and use them instead of using “average” counts.
The above character set restrictions are only valid for the headers (and including accessory information) that are intended to serve as input for Tool2. The accessory information itself may contain any non-blank (or tab) characters.

B. Data set example for acdtool

1. An input file - data table

1.1. Type of input file:

Tool 2 and tool 3 require a tabular file in the input field. A valid tabular file is: a tab-delimited text file (.txt or .tab), a tsv file (.tsv) or a csv file.
Note: for the excel file, you can save your file as csv or text file to use.

1.2. An example:


2. An output example of tool 2 - result table

3. An output example of tool 3 - distance matrix