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LOGs for ID: 2404081246102993302

output from eigenvector calculation:

CUTOFF set to default value (CUTOFF=8) Build Tirion matrix: Pdbmat> Computes the Hessian matrix, using an Elastic Network Model. Pdbmat> Version 3.50, Fevrier 2004. Pdbmat> Options to be read in pdbmat.dat file. Pdbmat> Coordinate filename = 2404081246102993302.atom Pdbmat> Distance cutoff = 8.00 Force constant = 10.00 Origin of mass values = CONS Pdbmat> Levelshift = 1.0E-09 PRINTing level = 2 Pdbmat> Coordinate file 2404081246102993302.atom to be opened. Openam> File opened: 2404081246102993302.atom Pdbmat> Coordinate file in PDB format. Rdatompdb> Reading pdb file. Rdatompdb> End of file reached. Rdatompdb> Number of I/O errors: 0 Rdatompdb> Number of residues found = 2798 First residue number = 1 Last residue number = 888 Number of atoms found = 43228 Mean number per residue = 15.4 Pdbmat> Coordinate statistics: = 31.358720 +/- 70.123446 From: -124.062000 To: 175.258000 = -7.387516 +/- 43.703921 From: -151.925000 To: 82.320000 = 82.321562 +/- 42.468616 From: -15.073000 To: 186.934000 Pdbmat> Masses are all set to one. Openam> File opened: pdbmat.xyzm Pdbmat> Coordinates and masses considered are saved. Openam> File opened: pdbmat.sdijb Pdbmat> Matrix statistics: Pdbmat> The matrix is -16.4029 % Filled. Pdbmat> 29672795 non-zero elements. Pdbmat> 3268723 atom-atom interactions. Pdbmat> Number per atom= 151.23 +/- 53.29 Maximum number = 318 Minimum number = 19 Pdbmat> Matrix trace = 6.537446E+07 Pdbmat> Larger element = 1117.03 Pdbmat> 0 elements larger than +/- 1.0E+10 Pdbmat> Normal end. automatic determination of NRBL (NRBL = nresidues/200 + 1) 2798 non-zero elements, NRBL set to 14 Diagonalize Tirion matrix using diagrtb Diagrtb> Diagonalizes a matrix, using the RTB/BNM approximation. Diagrtb> Version 2.52, November 2004. Diagrtb> Options to be read in diagrtb.dat file. Diagrtb> Options taken into account: MATRix filename = pdbmat.sdijb COORdinates filename = 2404081246102993302.atom Eigenvector OUTPut file = matrix.eigenrtb Nb of VECTors required = 106 EigeNVALues chosen = LOWE Type of SUBStructuring = NONE Nb of residues per BLOck = 14 Origin of MASS values = CONS MATRix FORMat = BINA Temporary files cleaning = ALL Output PRINting level = 2 Diagrtb> Memory allocation for Blocpdb. Blocpdb> Entering in. Openam> file on opening on unit 10: diagrtb_work.xyzm Blocpdb> Coordinate file 2404081246102993302.atom to be opened. Openam> file on opening on unit 11: 2404081246102993302.atom Blocpdb> Coordinate file in PDB format. Blocpdb> 43228 atoms picked in pdb file. Blocpdb> All masses set to unity. Blocpdb> Coordinate file is rewritten. Blocpdb> Substructuring: Blocpdb> 14 residue(s) per block. Blocpdb> 2798 residues. Blocpdb> 237 atoms in block 1 Block first atom: 1 Blocpdb> 226 atoms in block 2 Block first atom: 238 Blocpdb> 192 atoms in block 3 Block first atom: 464 Blocpdb> 203 atoms in block 4 Block first atom: 656 Blocpdb> 217 atoms in block 5 Block first atom: 859 Blocpdb> 229 atoms in block 6 Block first atom: 1076 Blocpdb> 212 atoms in block 7 Block first atom: 1305 Blocpdb> 211 atoms in block 8 Block first atom: 1517 Blocpdb> 215 atoms in block 9 Block first atom: 1728 Blocpdb> 232 atoms in block 10 Block first atom: 1943 Blocpdb> 226 atoms in block 11 Block first atom: 2175 Blocpdb> 211 atoms in block 12 Block first atom: 2401 Blocpdb> 240 atoms in block 13 Block first atom: 2612 Blocpdb> 230 atoms in block 14 Block first atom: 2852 Blocpdb> 233 atoms in block 15 Block first atom: 3082 Blocpdb> 224 atoms in block 16 Block first atom: 3315 Blocpdb> 233 atoms in block 17 Block first atom: 3539 Blocpdb> 231 atoms in block 18 Block first atom: 3772 Blocpdb> 208 atoms in block 19 Block first atom: 4003 Blocpdb> 220 atoms in block 20 Block first atom: 4211 Blocpdb> 197 atoms in block 21 Block first atom: 4431 Blocpdb> 213 atoms in block 22 Block first atom: 4628 Blocpdb> 223 atoms in block 23 Block first atom: 4841 Blocpdb> 200 atoms in block 24 Block first atom: 5064 Blocpdb> 199 atoms in block 25 Block first atom: 5264 Blocpdb> 214 atoms in block 26 Block first atom: 5463 Blocpdb> 218 atoms in block 27 Block first atom: 5677 Blocpdb> 216 atoms in block 28 Block first atom: 5895 Blocpdb> 187 atoms in block 29 Block first atom: 6111 Blocpdb> 221 atoms in block 30 Block first atom: 6298 Blocpdb> 226 atoms in block 31 Block first atom: 6519 Blocpdb> 207 atoms in block 32 Block first atom: 6745 Blocpdb> 216 atoms in block 33 Block first atom: 6952 Blocpdb> 221 atoms in block 34 Block first atom: 7168 Blocpdb> 203 atoms in block 35 Block first atom: 7389 Blocpdb> 242 atoms in block 36 Block first atom: 7592 Blocpdb> 185 atoms in block 37 Block first atom: 7834 Blocpdb> 218 atoms in block 38 Block first atom: 8019 Blocpdb> 222 atoms in block 39 Block first atom: 8237 Blocpdb> 209 atoms in block 40 Block first atom: 8459 Blocpdb> 194 atoms in block 41 Block first atom: 8668 Blocpdb> 238 atoms in block 42 Block first atom: 8862 Blocpdb> 200 atoms in block 43 Block first atom: 9100 Blocpdb> 205 atoms in block 44 Block first atom: 9300 Blocpdb> 215 atoms in block 45 Block first atom: 9505 Blocpdb> 191 atoms in block 46 Block first atom: 9720 Blocpdb> 191 atoms in block 47 Block first atom: 9911 Blocpdb> 213 atoms in block 48 Block first atom: 10102 Blocpdb> 227 atoms in block 49 Block first atom: 10315 Blocpdb> 214 atoms in block 50 Block first atom: 10542 Blocpdb> 224 atoms in block 51 Block first atom: 10756 Blocpdb> 204 atoms in block 52 Block first atom: 10980 Blocpdb> 224 atoms in block 53 Block first atom: 11184 Blocpdb> 204 atoms in block 54 Block first atom: 11408 Blocpdb> 250 atoms in block 55 Block first atom: 11612 Blocpdb> 226 atoms in block 56 Block first atom: 11862 Blocpdb> 201 atoms in block 57 Block first atom: 12088 Blocpdb> 181 atoms in block 58 Block first atom: 12289 Blocpdb> 228 atoms in block 59 Block first atom: 12470 Blocpdb> 220 atoms in block 60 Block first atom: 12698 Blocpdb> 227 atoms in block 61 Block first atom: 12918 Blocpdb> 203 atoms in block 62 Block first atom: 13145 Blocpdb> 217 atoms in block 63 Block first atom: 13348 Blocpdb> 216 atoms in block 64 Block first atom: 13565 Blocpdb> 224 atoms in block 65 Block first atom: 13781 Blocpdb> 202 atoms in block 66 Block first atom: 14005 Blocpdb> 164 atoms in block 67 Block first atom: 14207 Blocpdb> 211 atoms in block 68 Block first atom: 14371 Blocpdb> 224 atoms in block 69 Block first atom: 14582 Blocpdb> 223 atoms in block 70 Block first atom: 14806 Blocpdb> 208 atoms in block 71 Block first atom: 15029 Blocpdb> 215 atoms in block 72 Block first atom: 15237 Blocpdb> 217 atoms in block 73 Block first atom: 15452 Blocpdb> 216 atoms in block 74 Block first atom: 15669 Blocpdb> 241 atoms in block 75 Block first atom: 15885 Blocpdb> 232 atoms in block 76 Block first atom: 16126 Blocpdb> 220 atoms in block 77 Block first atom: 16358 Blocpdb> 206 atoms in block 78 Block first atom: 16578 Blocpdb> 220 atoms in block 79 Block first atom: 16784 Blocpdb> 215 atoms in block 80 Block first atom: 17004 Blocpdb> 171 atoms in block 81 Block first atom: 17219 Blocpdb> 208 atoms in block 82 Block first atom: 17390 Blocpdb> 227 atoms in block 83 Block first atom: 17598 Blocpdb> 188 atoms in block 84 Block first atom: 17825 Blocpdb> 186 atoms in block 85 Block first atom: 18013 Blocpdb> 224 atoms in block 86 Block first atom: 18199 Blocpdb> 198 atoms in block 87 Block first atom: 18423 Blocpdb> 231 atoms in block 88 Block first atom: 18621 Blocpdb> 208 atoms in block 89 Block first atom: 18852 Blocpdb> 215 atoms in block 90 Block first atom: 19060 Blocpdb> 227 atoms in block 91 Block first atom: 19275 Blocpdb> 211 atoms in block 92 Block first atom: 19502 Blocpdb> 226 atoms in block 93 Block first atom: 19713 Blocpdb> 229 atoms in block 94 Block first atom: 19939 Blocpdb> 219 atoms in block 95 Block first atom: 20168 Blocpdb> 216 atoms in block 96 Block first atom: 20387 Blocpdb> 207 atoms in block 97 Block first atom: 20603 Blocpdb> 213 atoms in block 98 Block first atom: 20810 Blocpdb> 209 atoms in block 99 Block first atom: 21023 Blocpdb> 241 atoms in block 100 Block first atom: 21232 Blocpdb> 200 atoms in block 101 Block first atom: 21473 Blocpdb> 244 atoms in block 102 Block first atom: 21673 Blocpdb> 206 atoms in block 103 Block first atom: 21917 Blocpdb> 207 atoms in block 104 Block first atom: 22123 Blocpdb> 245 atoms in block 105 Block first atom: 22330 Blocpdb> 236 atoms in block 106 Block first atom: 22575 Blocpdb> 190 atoms in block 107 Block first atom: 22811 Blocpdb> 219 atoms in block 108 Block first atom: 23001 Blocpdb> 218 atoms in block 109 Block first atom: 23220 Blocpdb> 208 atoms in block 110 Block first atom: 23438 Blocpdb> 197 atoms in block 111 Block first atom: 23646 Blocpdb> 209 atoms in block 112 Block first atom: 23843 Blocpdb> 209 atoms in block 113 Block first atom: 24052 Blocpdb> 225 atoms in block 114 Block first atom: 24261 Blocpdb> 228 atoms in block 115 Block first atom: 24486 Blocpdb> 213 atoms in block 116 Block first atom: 24714 Blocpdb> 240 atoms in block 117 Block first atom: 24927 Blocpdb> 226 atoms in block 118 Block first atom: 25167 Blocpdb> 202 atoms in block 119 Block first atom: 25393 Blocpdb> 244 atoms in block 120 Block first atom: 25595 Blocpdb> 220 atoms in block 121 Block first atom: 25839 Blocpdb> 207 atoms in block 122 Block first atom: 26059 Blocpdb> 229 atoms in block 123 Block first atom: 26266 Blocpdb> 237 atoms in block 124 Block first atom: 26495 Blocpdb> 216 atoms in block 125 Block first atom: 26732 Blocpdb> 201 atoms in block 126 Block first atom: 26948 Blocpdb> 200 atoms in block 127 Block first atom: 27149 Blocpdb> 196 atoms in block 128 Block first atom: 27349 Blocpdb> 248 atoms in block 129 Block first atom: 27545 Blocpdb> 232 atoms in block 130 Block first atom: 27793 Blocpdb> 206 atoms in block 131 Block first atom: 28025 Blocpdb> 196 atoms in block 132 Block first atom: 28231 Blocpdb> 197 atoms in block 133 Block first atom: 28427 Blocpdb> 200 atoms in block 134 Block first atom: 28624 Blocpdb> 195 atoms in block 135 Block first atom: 28824 Blocpdb> 185 atoms in block 136 Block first atom: 29019 Blocpdb> 173 atoms in block 137 Block first atom: 29204 Blocpdb> 244 atoms in block 138 Block first atom: 29377 Blocpdb> 208 atoms in block 139 Block first atom: 29621 Blocpdb> 237 atoms in block 140 Block first atom: 29829 Blocpdb> 205 atoms in block 141 Block first atom: 30066 Blocpdb> 233 atoms in block 142 Block first atom: 30271 Blocpdb> 211 atoms in block 143 Block first atom: 30504 Blocpdb> 189 atoms in block 144 Block first atom: 30715 Blocpdb> 216 atoms in block 145 Block first atom: 30904 Blocpdb> 228 atoms in block 146 Block first atom: 31120 Blocpdb> 240 atoms in block 147 Block first atom: 31348 Blocpdb> 211 atoms in block 148 Block first atom: 31588 Blocpdb> 235 atoms in block 149 Block first atom: 31799 Blocpdb> 237 atoms in block 150 Block first atom: 32034 Blocpdb> 210 atoms in block 151 Block first atom: 32271 Blocpdb> 215 atoms in block 152 Block first atom: 32481 Blocpdb> 219 atoms in block 153 Block first atom: 32696 Blocpdb> 228 atoms in block 154 Block first atom: 32915 Blocpdb> 176 atoms in block 155 Block first atom: 33143 Blocpdb> 174 atoms in block 156 Block first atom: 33319 Blocpdb> 227 atoms in block 157 Block first atom: 33493 Blocpdb> 245 atoms in block 158 Block first atom: 33720 Blocpdb> 186 atoms in block 159 Block first atom: 33965 Blocpdb> 222 atoms in block 160 Block first atom: 34151 Blocpdb> 222 atoms in block 161 Block first atom: 34373 Blocpdb> 208 atoms in block 162 Block first atom: 34595 Blocpdb> 262 atoms in block 163 Block first atom: 34803 Blocpdb> 223 atoms in block 164 Block first atom: 35065 Blocpdb> 221 atoms in block 165 Block first atom: 35288 Blocpdb> 234 atoms in block 166 Block first atom: 35509 Blocpdb> 212 atoms in block 167 Block first atom: 35743 Blocpdb> 220 atoms in block 168 Block first atom: 35955 Blocpdb> 203 atoms in block 169 Block first atom: 36175 Blocpdb> 203 atoms in block 170 Block first atom: 36378 Blocpdb> 246 atoms in block 171 Block first atom: 36581 Blocpdb> 214 atoms in block 172 Block first atom: 36827 Blocpdb> 212 atoms in block 173 Block first atom: 37041 Blocpdb> 221 atoms in block 174 Block first atom: 37253 Blocpdb> 197 atoms in block 175 Block first atom: 37474 Blocpdb> 228 atoms in block 176 Block first atom: 37671 Blocpdb> 224 atoms in block 177 Block first atom: 37899 Blocpdb> 226 atoms in block 178 Block first atom: 38123 Blocpdb> 186 atoms in block 179 Block first atom: 38349 Blocpdb> 220 atoms in block 180 Block first atom: 38535 Blocpdb> 246 atoms in block 181 Block first atom: 38755 Blocpdb> 206 atoms in block 182 Block first atom: 39001 Blocpdb> 215 atoms in block 183 Block first atom: 39207 Blocpdb> 209 atoms in block 184 Block first atom: 39422 Blocpdb> 215 atoms in block 185 Block first atom: 39631 Blocpdb> 227 atoms in block 186 Block first atom: 39846 Blocpdb> 214 atoms in block 187 Block first atom: 40073 Blocpdb> 221 atoms in block 188 Block first atom: 40287 Blocpdb> 201 atoms in block 189 Block first atom: 40508 Blocpdb> 217 atoms in block 190 Block first atom: 40709 Blocpdb> 205 atoms in block 191 Block first atom: 40926 Blocpdb> 239 atoms in block 192 Block first atom: 41131 Blocpdb> 223 atoms in block 193 Block first atom: 41370 Blocpdb> 183 atoms in block 194 Block first atom: 41593 Blocpdb> 214 atoms in block 195 Block first atom: 41776 Blocpdb> 222 atoms in block 196 Block first atom: 41990 Blocpdb> 198 atoms in block 197 Block first atom: 42212 Blocpdb> 263 atoms in block 198 Block first atom: 42410 Blocpdb> 234 atoms in block 199 Block first atom: 42673 Blocpdb> 231 atoms in block 200 Block first atom: 42907 Blocpdb> 91 atoms in block 201 Block first atom: 43137 Blocpdb> 201 blocks. Blocpdb> At most, 263 atoms in each of them. Blocpdb> At least, 91 atoms in each of them. Blocpdb> Normal end of Blocpdb. Diagrtb> Memory allocation for Prepmat. Diagrtb> Memory allocation for RTB. Diagrtb> Memory allocation for Diagstd. Diagrtb> Memory allocation for RTB_to_modes. %Diagrtb-Er> IRWKMX up to: 102943198 Maximum allowed is LRWORK= 32000000 %Diagrtb-Er> Not enough memory allowed for working arrays. Sorry. Lower the number of blocks, the sizes of the largest ones... Or recompile DIAGRTB with larger WORKing arrays. STDERR: STOP *Working arrays allocation error* real 0m0.205s user 0m0.197s sys 0m0.008s

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